- 丁street
- 丈length
- 且moreover
- 丘hill
- 丙third class
- 串spit
- 丹rust-colored
- 乏destitution
- 乙the latter
- 乞beg
- 亀tortoise
- 井well
- 亜Asia
- 享enjoy
- 亭pavilion
- 仁humanity
- 仙hermit
- 仰face-up
- 企undertake
- 伎deed
- 伏prostrated
- 伐fell
- 伯chief
- 伴consort
- 但however
- 佐assistant
- 佳excellent
- 併join
- 侍waiter
- 侮scorn
- 侯marquis
- 侵encroach
- 侶companion
- 促stimulate
- 俊sagacious
- 俗vulgar
- 俳haiku
- 俵bag
- 俸stipend
- 俺I
- 倉godown
- 倣emulate
- 倫ethics
- 倹frugal
- 偏partial
- 偵spy
- 偽falsehood
- 傍bystander
- 傑greatness
- 傘umbrella
- 催sponsor
- 傲be proud
- 債bond
- 傷wound
- 僕me
- 僚colleague
- 僧Buddhist priest
- 儀ceremony
- 儒Confucian
- 償reparation
- 充allot
- 克overcome
- 免excuse
- 典code
- 兼concurrently
- 冒risk
- 冗superfluous
- 冠crown
- 冥dark
- 冶melting
- 凄uncanny
- 准quasi-
- 凝congeal
- 凡commonplace
- 凶villain
- 凸convex
- 凹concave
- 刀sword
- 刃blade
- 刈reap
- 刑punish
- 刹temple
- 削plane
- 剖divide
- 剛sturdy
- 剝
- 剣sabre
- 剤dose
- 剰surplus
- 創genesis
- 功achievement
- 劣inferiority
- 励encourage
- 劾censure
- 勃suddenness
- 勅imperial order
- 勘intuition
- 勧persuade
- 勲meritorious deed
- 勾be bent
- 匠artisan
- 匿hide
- 升measuring box
- 卑lowly
- 卓eminent
- 博Dr.
- 即instant
- 却instead
- 卸wholesale
- 厄unlucky
- 厘rin
- 厳stern
- 又or again
- 及reach out
- 叔uncle
- 叙confer
- 句phrase
- 吉good luck
- 后empress
- 吏officer
- 吐spit
- 吟versify
- 呂spine
- 呈display
- 呉give
- 呪spell
- 咽throat
- 哀pathetic
- 哲philosophy
- 哺nurse
- 唄song
- 唆tempt
- 唇lips
- 唐T'ang
- 唯solely
- 唱chant
- 唾saliva
- 啓disclose
- 喚yell
- 喝hoarse
- 喩metaphor
- 喪miss
- 嗣heir
- 嘆sigh
- 嘱entrust
- 嘲ridicule
- 噴erupt
- 嚇menacing
- 囚captured
- 圏sphere
- 坑pit
- 坪two-mat area
- 垂droop
- 垣hedge
- 執tenacious
- 培cultivate
- 埼cape
- 堀ditch
- 堅strict
- 堆piled high
- 堕degenerate
- 堤dike
- 堪withstand
- 塀fence
- 塁bases
- 塊clod
- 塑model
- 塚hillock
- 塡fill in
- 塾cram school
- 墓grave
- 墜crash
- 墨black ink
- 墳tomb
- 墾ground-breaking
- 壇podium
- 壊demolition
- 壌lot
- 士gentleman
- 壮robust
- 壱one (in documents)
- 奇strange
- 奈Nara
- 奉observance
- 奏play music
- 契pledge
- 奔run
- 奨exhort
- 奪rob
- 奮stirred up
- 奴guy
- 如likeness
- 妃queen
- 妄delusion
- 妊pregnancy
- 妖attractive
- 妙exquisite
- 妥gentle
- 妨disturb
- 妬jealous
- 姫princess
- 姻matrimony
- 姿figure
- 威intimidate
- 娠with child
- 娯recreation
- 婆old woman
- 婿bridegroom
- 媒mediator
- 媛beautiful woman
- 嫁marry into
- 嫉jealous
- 嫌dislike
- 嫡legitimate wife
- 嬢lass
- 孔cavity
- 孝filial piety
- 孤orphan
- 宗religion
- 宛address
- 宜best regards
- 宣proclaim
- 宮Shinto shrine
- 宰superintend
- 宴banquet
- 宵wee hours
- 寂loneliness
- 密secrecy
- 寛tolerant
- 寡widow
- 寧rather
- 審hearing
- 寮dormitory
- 寸measurement
- 寿longevity
- 射shoot
- 尉military officer
- 尋inquire
- 尚esteem
- 就concerning
- 尺shaku
- 尼nun
- 尽exhaust
- 尾tail
- 尿urine
- 屈yield
- 属belong
- 履perform
- 屯barracks
- 岐branch off
- 岡mount
- 岬headland
- 岳point
- 峠mountain peak
- 峡gorge
- 峰summit
- 崇adore
- 崎promontory
- 崖cliff
- 崩crumble
- 嵐storm
- 巡patrol
- 巣nest
- 巧adroit
- 己self
- 巾towel
- 帆sail
- 帝sovereign
- 帥commander
- 帳notebook
- 幕curtain
- 幣cash
- 幹tree trunk
- 幻phantasm
- 幽seclude
- 幾how many
- 序preface
- 庶commoner
- 庸commonplace
- 廃abolish
- 廉bargain
- 廊corridor
- 廷courts
- 弁valve
- 弄play with
- 弊abuse
- 弐II
- 弓bow
- 弔condolences
- 弥all the more
- 弦bowstring
- 弧arc
- 弾bullet
- 彙same kind
- 彩coloring
- 彫carve
- 彰patent
- 影shadow
- 往journey
- 征subjugate
- 径diameter
- 徐gradually
- 従accompany
- 循sequential
- 微delicate
- 徳benevolence
- 徴indications
- 徹penetrate
- 忌mourning
- 忍endure
- 忠loyalty
- 怠neglect
- 怨grudge
- 怪suspicious
- 恒constancy
- 恣selfish
- 恨regret
- 恩grace
- 恭respect
- 悔repent
- 悟enlightenment
- 悠permanence
- 患afflicted
- 悦ecstasy
- 悼lament
- 惑beguile
- 惜pity
- 惧fear
- 惨wretched
- 惰lazy
- 愁distress
- 愉pleasure
- 愚foolish
- 慄fear
- 慈mercy
- 態attitude
- 慌disconcerted
- 慎humility
- 慕pining
- 慢ridicule
- 慨rue
- 慮prudence
- 慰consolation
- 慶jubilation
- 憂melancholy
- 憤aroused
- 憧yearn after
- 憩recess
- 憬yearn for
- 憲constitution
- 憶recollection
- 憾remorse
- 懇sociable
- 懐pocket
- 懲penal
- 懸state of suspension
- 我ego
- 戒commandment
- 戚grieve
- 戯frolic
- 戴be crowned with
- 房tassel
- 扇fan
- 扉front door
- 扱handle
- 扶aid
- 抄extract
- 把grasp
- 抑repress
- 抗confront
- 択choose
- 披expose
- 抵resist
- 抹rub
- 抽pluck
- 拉Latin
- 拍clap
- 拐kidnap
- 拒repel
- 拓clear (the land)
- 拘arrest
- 拙bungling
- 拠foothold
- 括fasten
- 拳fist
- 拶be imminent
- 拷torture
- 挑challenge
- 挙raise
- 挨approach
- 挫crush
- 振shake
- 挿insert
- 捉catch
- 捗make progress
- 据set
- 捻twirl
- 掌manipulate
- 排repudiate
- 掛hang
- 控withdraw
- 推conjecture
- 措set aside
- 掲put up (a notice)
- 描sketch
- 提propose
- 揚raise
- 握grip
- 揮brandish
- 援abet
- 揺swing
- 搬conveyor
- 搭board
- 携portable
- 搾squeeze
- 摂vicarious
- 摘pinch
- 摩chafe
- 摯gift
- 撃beat
- 撤remove
- 撮snapshot
- 撲slap
- 擁hug
- 擦grate
- 擬mimic
- 攻aggression
- 敏cleverness
- 敢daring
- 敵enemy
- 敷spread
- 斉adjusted
- 斎purification
- 斑spot
- 斗Big Dipper
- 斜diagonal
- 斤axe
- 斥reject
- 施give
- 旋rotation
- 旗national flag
- 既previously
- 旦daybreak
- 旨delicious
- 旬decameron
- 旺flourishing
- 昆descendants
- 昧dark
- 昭shining
- 是just so
- 晶sparkle
- 暁daybreak
- 暇spare time
- 暦calendar
- 暫temporarily
- 曖dark
- 曹office
- 曽formerly
- 朕majestic plural
- 朗melodious
- 朱vermilion
- 朴crude
- 朽decay
- 杉cedar
- 松pine tree
- 析chop
- 枠frame
- 枢hinge
- 架erect
- 柄design
- 某so-and-so
- 染dye
- 柳willow
- 柵stockade
- 柿persimmon
- 栃horse chestnut
- 栓plug
- 株stocks
- 核nucleus
- 栽plantation
- 桃peach
- 桑mulberry
- 桜cherry
- 桟scaffold
- 梅plum
- 梗for the most part
- 梨pear tree
- 棄abandon
- 棋chess piece
- 棚shelf
- 棟ridgepole
- 棺coffin
- 椅chair
- 椎chinquapin
- 楷square character style
- 楼watchtower
- 概outline
- 槽vat
- 模imitation
- 樹timber
- 欄column
- 欺deceit
- 款goodwill
- 歓delight
- 殉martyrdom
- 殊particularly
- 殖augment
- 殴assault
- 殻husk
- 毀break
- 氏family name
- 氾spread out
- 汁soup
- 汎pan-
- 江creek
- 汰washing
- 汽vapor
- 沃fertility
- 沖open sea
- 沙sand
- 没drown
- 沢swamp
- 沼marsh
- 沿run alongside
- 泌ooze
- 泡bubbles
- 泰peaceful
- 洞den
- 津haven
- 洪deluge
- 派faction
- 浄clean
- 浜seacoast
- 浦bay
- 浪wandering
- 浸immersed
- 涯horizon
- 淑graceful
- 淡thin
- 淫lewdness
- 添annexed
- 渇thirst
- 渉ford
- 渋astringent
- 渓mountain stream
- 渦whirlpool
- 湧boil
- 源source
- 溝gutter
- 滅destroy
- 滋nourishing
- 滑slippery
- 滝waterfall
- 滞stagnate
- 漂drift
- 漆lacquer
- 漏leak
- 漠vague
- 漫cartoon
- 漬pickling
- 漸steadily
- 潔undefiled
- 潜submerge
- 潟lagoon
- 潤wet
- 潮tide
- 澄lucidity
- 激violent
- 濁voiced
- 濫excessive
- 瀬rapids
- 災disaster
- 炉hearth
- 炊cook
- 炎inflammation
- 為do
- 烈ardent
- 焦char
- 煩anxiety
- 煮boil
- 熊bear
- 熟mellow
- 爵baron
- 爽refreshing
- 牙tusk
- 牧breed
- 牲animal sacrifice
- 犠sacrifice
- 狂lunatic
- 狩hunt
- 猛fierce
- 猟game-hunting
- 献offering
- 猶furthermore
- 猿monkey
- 獄prison
- 獣animal
- 獲seize
- 玄mysterious
- 玩play
- 珠pearl
- 班squad
- 琴harp
- 瑠lapis lazuli
- 璃glassy
- 璧sphere
- 璽emperor's seal
- 瓶bottle
- 甚tremendously
- 甲armor
- 畏fear
- 畔paddy ridge
- 畝furrow
- 畿capital
- 疎alienate
- 疫epidemic
- 疾rapidly
- 症symptoms
- 痕mark
- 痘pox
- 痢diarrhea
- 痩get thin
- 痴stupid
- 瘍swelling
- 癒healing
- 癖mannerism
- 皇emperor
- 盆basin
- 益benefit
- 盛boom
- 盟alliance
- 監oversee
- 盤tray
- 盲blind
- 盾shield
- 眉eyebrow
- 眺stare
- 眼eyeball
- 睡drowsy
- 督coach
- 睦intimate
- 瞬wink
- 瞭clear
- 瞳pupil (of eye)
- 矛halberd
- 矢dart
- 矯rectify
- 砕smash
- 砲cannon
- 硝nitrate
- 硫sulphur
- 碁Go
- 碑tombstone
- 磁magnet
- 礁reef
- 礎cornerstone
- 祉welfare
- 祥auspicious
- 票ballot
- 禅Zen
- 禍calamity
- 秀excel
- 秘secret
- 租tariff
- 秩regularity
- 称appellation
- 稚immature
- 稲rice plant
- 稼earnings
- 稽think
- 稿draft
- 穀cereals
- 穂ear
- 穏calm
- 穫harvest
- 穴hole
- 窃stealth
- 窒plug up
- 窟cavern
- 窮hard up
- 窯kiln
- 竜dragon
- 端edge
- 笛flute
- 筋muscle
- 策scheme
- 箇counter for articles
- 箋paper
- 範pattern
- 篤fervent
- 簿register
- 籍enroll
- 粋chic
- 粗coarse
- 粘sticky
- 粛solemn
- 粧cosmetics
- 糖sugar
- 糧provisions
- 系lineage
- 糾twist
- 紀chronicle
- 紋family crest
- 納settlement
- 紛distract
- 素elementary
- 紡spinning
- 索cord
- 紫purple
- 累accumulate
- 紳sire
- 紺dark blue
- 絞strangle
- 統overall
- 絹silk
- 継inherit
- 維fiber
- 綱hawser
- 網netting
- 綻be rent
- 緊tense
- 締tighten
- 緩slacken
- 緯horizontal
- 緻fine (i.e. not coarse)
- 縁affinity
- 縄straw rope
- 縛truss
- 縦vertical
- 縫sew
- 縮shrink
- 繁luxuriant
- 繊slender
- 織weave
- 繕darning
- 繭cocoon
- 繰winding
- 缶tin can
- 罰penalty
- 罵abuse
- 罷quit
- 羅gauze
- 羊sheep
- 羞feel ashamed
- 義righteousness
- 翁venerable old man
- 翻flip
- 翼wing
- 耐-proof
- 耗decrease
- 聖holy
- 聴listen
- 肖resemblance
- 肝liver
- 股thigh
- 肢limb
- 肥fertilizer
- 肪obese
- 肺lungs
- 胆gall bladder
- 胎womb
- 胞placenta
- 胴trunk
- 脅threaten
- 脈vein
- 脊stature
- 脚skids
- 脱undress
- 腎kidney
- 腐rot
- 腫tumor
- 腸intestines
- 腺gland
- 膜membrane
- 膨swell
- 膳small low table
- 臆timidity
- 臨look to
- 臭stinking
- 至climax
- 致doth
- 臼mortar
- 興entertain
- 舌tongue
- 舎cottage
- 舗shop
- 舶liner
- 舷gunwale
- 艇rowboat
- 艦warship
- 艶glossy
- 芋potato
- 芝turf
- 芳perfume
- 芽bud
- 苗seedling
- 苛torment
- 茂overgrown
- 茎stalk
- 茨briar
- 荘villa
- 菊chrysanthemum
- 菌germ
- 華splendor
- 萎wither
- 葛arrowroot
- 葬interment
- 蓄amass
- 蔑ignore
- 蔽cover
- 薦recommend
- 薪fuel
- 薫send forth fragrance
- 藍indigo
- 藤wisteria
- 藩clan
- 藻seaweed
- 虎tiger
- 虐tyrannize
- 虚void
- 虜captive
- 虞fear
- 虹rainbow
- 蚊mosquito
- 蚕silkworm
- 蛇snake
- 蛍lightning-bug
- 蛮barbarian
- 蜂bee
- 蜜honey
- 融dissolve
- 衆masses
- 街boulevard
- 衛defense
- 衝collide
- 衡equilibrium
- 衰decline
- 衷inmost
- 裁tailor
- 裂split
- 裕abundant
- 裸naked
- 裾cuff
- 褐brown
- 褒praise
- 襟collar
- 襲attack
- 覆capsize
- 覇hegemony
- 視inspection
- 覧perusal
- 訂revise
- 訃obituary
- 討chastise
- 託consign
- 訟sue
- 訳translate
- 訴accusation
- 診checkup
- 証evidence
- 詐lie
- 詔imperial edict
- 詠recitation
- 詣visit a temple
- 詩poem
- 詮discussion
- 該above-stated
- 詳detailed
- 誇boast
- 誉reputation
- 誓vow
- 誕nativity
- 誘entice
- 誠sincerity
- 請solicit
- 諧harmony
- 諭rebuke
- 諮consult with
- 諾consent
- 謀conspire
- 謁audience
- 謄mimeograph
- 謙self-effacing
- 謝apologize
- 謡song
- 謹discreet
- 譜musical score
- 譲defer
- 護safeguard
- 豆beans
- 豚pork
- 豪overpowering
- 貌form
- 貞upright
- 貢tribute
- 貪covet
- 貫pierce
- 貴precious
- 貼stick
- 賀congratulations
- 賂bribe
- 賄bribe
- 賊burglar
- 賓V.I.P.
- 賜grant
- 賠compensation
- 賦levy
- 賭gamble
- 購subscription
- 赦pardon
- 赴proceed
- 趣purport
- 距long-distance
- 跡tracks
- 跳hop
- 践tread
- 踏step
- 踪remains
- 躍leap
- 軌rut
- 軸axis
- 載ride
- 輝radiance
- 輩comrade
- 轄control
- 辣pungent
- 辱embarrass
- 迅swift
- 迫urge
- 迭transfer
- 透transparent
- 逐pursue
- 逓relay
- 逝departed
- 逮apprehend
- 逸deviate
- 遂consummate
- 遇meet
- 遍everywhere
- 遜humble
- 遣dispatch
- 遭encounter
- 遮intercept
- 遵abide by
- 遷transition
- 遺bequeath
- 避evade
- 還send back
- 那what?
- 邦home country
- 邪wicked
- 邸residence
- 郎son
- 郡county
- 郭enclosure
- 郷home town
- 酌bar-tending
- 酎sake
- 酔drunk
- 酢vinegar
- 酪dairy products
- 酬repay
- 酵fermentation
- 酷cruel
- 酸acid
- 醒awake
- 醜ugly
- 醸brew
- 采dice
- 釈explanation
- 里ri
- 釣angling
- 鈴small bell
- 鉛lead
- 鉢bowl
- 銃gun
- 銘inscription
- 銭coin
- 鋳casting
- 鋼steel
- 錠lock
- 錦brocade
- 錬tempering
- 錮confinement
- 錯confused
- 鍛forge
- 鎌sickle
- 鎖chain
- 鎮tranquilize
- 鏡mirror
- 鐘bell
- 鑑specimen
- 閑leisure
- 閣tower
- 閥clique
- 閲review
- 闇get dark
- 闘fight
- 阜hill
- 阪heights
- 阻thwart
- 附affixed
- 陛highness
- 陣camp
- 陥collapse
- 陪obeisance
- 陰shade
- 陳exhibit
- 陵mausoleum
- 陶pottery
- 隆hump
- 隊regiment
- 随follow
- 隔isolate
- 隙crevice
- 障hinder
- 隠conceal
- 隣neighboring
- 隷slave
- 隻vessels
- 雄masculine
- 雅gracious
- 雌feminine
- 離detach
- 雰atmosphere
- 雷thunder
- 需demand
- 霊spirits
- 霜frost
- 霧fog
- 露dew
- 韓Korea
- 韻rhyme
- 響echo
- 項paragraph
- 須ought
- 頑stubborn
- 頒distribute
- 頓suddenly
- 頻repeatedly
- 顎jaw
- 顕appear
- 顧look back
- 飢hungry
- 飼domesticate
- 飽sated
- 飾decorate
- 養foster
- 餓starve
- 駄burdensome
- 駆drive
- 駒pony
- 騎equestrian
- 騒boisterous
- 騰leaping up
- 驚wonder
- 骸bone
- 髄marrow
- 鬱gloom
- 鬼ghost
- 魂soul
- 魅fascination
- 魔witch
- 鮮fresh
- 鯨whale
- 鶏chicken
- 鶴crane
- 鹿deer
- 麗lovely
- 麺noodles
- 麻hemp
- 黙silence
- 鼓drum